goodies! There's a new page in
the Fun
Stuff section! Thanks to the digital camera I received for the
holidays, I finally managed to take pictures of all of the original
comic artwork I've purchased over the years. All of the images
been uploaded and linked to the new Original
Comic Artwork page. Check it out!
Plus, if you've been watching the hit counter, we've just about reached
50,000 hits since the site opened. Twisted Shipper has provided
newest hit pic, displayed above.
Updates 1/1/07
Construction is over!
All functions are up and running!
Remember that all links have changed - be sure to update your bookmarks.
Updates 12/28/06
Yet another construction report!
goal is to get everything changed over from the old board by New
Years... so despite screaming mothers and migraines, I'm still working
towards that goal.
In fact, a good portion of the site is now moved over here.
Latest added:
Fun Stuff
- Avatars
- Screensavers (2 new
screensavers added)
- Wallpapers
- Art Commissions
- Color Bars
- Costumes
Comic Gallery
- New Teen Titans
- New Titans
- Teen Titans v. 2
yes... after the comic galleries are transferred - coming soon:
more art from Wonkeaux and Rachie
more comic scans
more wallpaper
Updates 12/23/06
Construction Report!
The following sections have been added:
Fan Art
Fan Fiction
Submission Guidelines
Thoughts and Theories
We also have updates!
Fan Art - new art added to One
Shots and Jeeto2013
Fan Fiction - 5 new stories
Thoughts and Theories - Mento
Helmet Conspiricy Theory is updated AND a new theory has been added
Updates 12/19/06
Reconstruction Report:
The following sections are now up and running:
Doom Patrol v. 1
Teen Titans v. 1/Teen Titans West
(with new images added)
to KTHunter for sending me scans of issues on the want list.
It looks like the comic galleries updates may be a bit slow - I'm
trying to add more images as I go. I may jump ahead and update
some of
the other sections sooner.
Updates 12/9/06
Report for those who are watching the updates as they progress.
The following sections are fully functional:
Main Page
News Archive
Contact Me
How to Link to Us
Our "Want" List
Gar's Bio
Gar's Origin
Merchandise (and it's sub pages)
you see any broken links or missing images, please let me know!
Updates 3/11/06
Front Page
- A directory listing of what's where on this site
- A domain name poll - please vote!!!!!
Comic Gallery
- 2 full pages of Teen Titans
Go! images of Beast Boy (scans up through issue 28)
Fanart Gallery
- More images added to the Deviantart favorites
- New "Little Lover Boy" screensaver to go with the wallpaper
- Another page of avatars (sized 100 x 100 - you can resize if
Coming next update:
- More comic scans
- Wallpapers
- Fanfiction
- Fanart
- Screencaps
Updates 11/26/05
an update! You may proceed to faint from shock.
I don't know why, but I got on a screencapping kick this holiday break.
Comic Gallery
- Main page - re-labeled the Animated Series pages to identify each
page by episodes.
- Teen Titans the animated Series - 3 pages of screencaps (screen caps
up through episode 5x07)
Updates 7/10/05
Wow, another
update within 3 weeks!
I invested in a little program called "Frame Shots". It's a neat
program for doing screencaptures. Using it cut down my time on
doing screen caps enormously - it automatically numbered the names and
allowed me to adjust the resolution - so I didn't have to go back and
optimize all 466 captures that I made. These are all uploaded and
mostly set up on homepages.
Comic Gallery
- Teen Titans the Animated Series - 6 pages of screencaps
added. I've only put up through Season 4, episode 9. I'll
put up episodes 10-13 as soon as "The End pt 3" airs.