Why did you
come up with the idea for this website?
A: It began somewhere
around 2002. Here I was, an obsessive fan of Garfield "Gar"
Logan, aka Beast Boy (and fornerly known as Changeling), constantly
scouring the internet for anything related to Gar. Many a long
night was spent searching the web for halfway decent fan-art of Gar.
In my hunting I came across general Titans and Doom Patrol sites, fan
pages dedicated to Nightwing, Flash, Wonder Girl/Troia, Starfire... but
nothing for Gar. Mind you, this was before the cartoon was even close
to going into production.
Even without finding Gar web pages, I still only found a handful of
halfway decent pictures. Most of what I found were group pictures with
Gar in the background, group pictures with him morphed into an animal,
and pictures of him ogling his female teammates. Not exactly the
selection a Gar worshipper (like myself) would want. Fanfiction
featuring Gar as the main character was almost impossible to find.
I finally decided that it was time to create a site where true Gar fans
could come and find what they wanted in one neat little place.
Now there are a few fan shrines popping up here and there, but still
nothing like this site. Currently we have the biggest selection
of Beast Boy wallpaper, avatars, fan art and comic scans available on
the web.
Mini shrines have come and gone, but this site remains.
Why did you name the site "It's Not Easy Being Green"?
A: Because when you look at Gar's history, it really isn't easy
being green. Most fans don't realize everything that Gar's been
through. Plus, if you read the lyrics to the song (yes, it's the
title of a song sung by Kermit the Frog of the Muppets), they really
fit Gar.
What are the lyrics?
It's Not Easy Bein' Green, written
by Joe Raposo
not that easy
bein' green
to spend
each day the color of the leaves
I think it
could be nicer being red,
yellow or gold-
something much
more colorful like that.
not easy bein'
seems you blend
in with so many other ordinary things.
people tend to
pass you over
you're not
standing out
sparklers in the water or stars in the sky.
green's the
color of Spring.
green can be
cool and friendly-like.
green can be
big like an ocean,
important like
a mountain,
tall like a
green is all
there is to be
could make you
wonder why,
why wonder,
why wonder?
am green and it'll
do fine,
I think it's
what I want to be.
Q: Why is Beast
Boy named "Garfield"?
A: Because that's what his parents named him.
Seriously. He was named Garfield by his creator, Arnold Drake, 15
years before "Garfield the Cat" ever came around. Most people
just call him "Gar".
Why did he change from "Beast Boy" to "Changeling" back to "Beast Boy"?
A: Why he changed from "Beast Boy" to "Changeling" was a decision
on the part of Marv Wolfman and George Perez. For the record,
Marvel comics had a character named "Changeling" - also a
shapeshifter. However, their Changeling had been dead several
years. When Marvel decided to revive their "Changeling", DC's New Teen Titans had become very
popular - as had Gar. Therefore Marvel renamed their character
At one point, though, Gar had gone into "comic book limbo." This
is where I doubt we'll ever get the "true story." Many people
believe Gar was returned back to "Beast Boy" because of the
cartoon. Again, Gar was returned to "Beast Boy" a few years
before the cartoon concept came about. My personal suspicion is
that we had a return of what happened with Gar's name before. In
the time Gar was in limbo, an RPG company had come out with a game
called "Changeling: the Dreaming" that had some measure of popularity
in RPG circles. Instead of going into a legal battle over the
name, the powers that be must have decided it was easier to return Gar
to his original name of "Beast Boy."
And yes, there are fans who don't like the change.
Will Beast Boy become "Animal Man"?
A: That depends on what happens to the current Animal Man (Buddy
Baker) by the end of 52.
Why is there no "shipping" (romantic couple discussion) at this site?
A: Several reasons.
1. This is a site devoted to Beast Boy. Garfield
Logan. Changeling. All versions of him (including his
Amalgam "Beastling" and his alternate futures "Menagerie" and "Animal
Man"). This means any fan of Beast Boy's can enjoy the site
without having to endure some sort of "romantic discussion".
There are plenty of message boards where you can discuss Gar's romantic
potential. But whether you support Beast Boy/Raven, Beast
Boy/Terra, Beast Boy/Flamebird, Beast Boy/Jillian, or Beast Boy/Cyborg
(yes, there are supporters for this), you can still enjoy this site.
2. This site is for information and entertainment. Not
every fan finds the romantic aspects "enjoyable". Beast Boy fans
can come here to enjoy him without having to worry about a romantic
couple they find distasteful.
3. If I allowed one "ship", I would have to allow them all to
give all of them fair and equal time (even Beast Boy/Cyborg).
4. Extensive discussions of shipping still gives me the shakes
and nightmares. I used to run "The Digimon Couples Board."
To this day, I still have bad flashbacks. It's safer for my
sanity to avoid shipping discussions.
What is the "Warning - Fangirlishness Ahead" section for?
A: That's my one indulgence into Mary Sue-ism. My personal
"avatar" character - that character that I would love to see show up in
a comic book with Gar one day. If you can't handle Mary Sues,
you'd probably want to avoid this section. Again, this is more
"bio" and "design" for this character - I don't get into writing
stories about her and Gar or discussing her openly. And come
on... as much as people won't admit it, everyone has that "superhero
they want to be so they can hook up with [insert character
here]". This is mine.
Anyhow, that's it for now. If you have a question, send it to me
at one of the links on the contact page or catch me at The Beast Boy Shrine or another message
- Lady Timedramon, Garfield Logan fangirl for 25+ years and proud of it!