Luciano Vecchio
What can I say about Luciano, but WOW! He has some
incredible pictures
up on his new site at
- lots of
Titans team pics.
Thanks to Kieran for pointing me to Luciano's pics, and mega-thanks
to Luciano for suggesting I clip Gar out of his group pics and post
them. Click on each picture to get directly to the original group
I really suggest you check out his site. As a side note to a few people
(who know who they are), some of the group pics have Kole, Jericho,
Bumblebee, Hawk, and Dove.
Luciano's First Place
winner from the Fall, 2003 contest and a color variation. Right
click on the image to view a larger version.
another Luciano contest
winner, this time 3rd place in the Valentines Day 2004 contest!
If you haven't
checked Luciano's site recently, you might have missed the Titans
Tarot. Here is Gar as the King of Cups (from the Minor Arcana).
